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Program-Level Employment Outcomes and LRAP: A Perfect Yield Match

April 4, 2019

Right now, there are families looking at programs on your campus and doing their best to compute some shaky mental calculus.

Families ask: will a degree in this program from this school empower my child to earn an income capable of starting life and paying loans?

As program-level employment outcomes become more standardized and influential in the higher education decisions families make – especially for private, nonprofit colleges and universities – institutions will have to take new action to overcome greater doubts.

LRAP is a proven mechanism for eliminating enrollment doubt when anxiety about debt is involved.

Beyond that, we firmly believe that college is the best investment young people and their families can make toward the future.

We are passionate about increasing access to the life-changing impact of higher education. However, we also recognize that many graduates struggle financially with low incomes, especially in the first few years after graduation.

That is why we help colleges and universities make this powerful promise to students and families:

“If you enroll at our institution and income after graduation is below a certain amount, we will help you pay back your student (and parent PLUS) education loans.”


  • LRAP can be ready to deploy an offer in less than 15 days.
  • LRAP only invoices after your enrollment cycle, and only when it works (students enroll).
  • You choose which students to offer LRAP (or not).
  • LRAP is CRM agnostic (use it with any system, or none).
  • LRAP provides daily feedback on student/family engagements (via online portals).
  • LRAP communicates the award to families via phone, email, and social (saving your team tasks).

Take the time to find out what it would look like to bring LRAP to your campus for this enrollment cycle.

Request your no-obligation customized proposal today.