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Why Ardeo?

Breaks Down Leading
Enrollment Barriers

Student loans and modest starting salaries are major barriers for many prospective teachers. Ardeo’s financial safety net enables enrollment: 1 in 3 education majors enrolled with LRAP agree they would not have attended without it.

Goes Beyond
Federal Loan Protection

Ardeo offers students and their families comprehensive peace of mind. The program covers federal student, private alternative, and parent PLUS loans. (We also cover TEACH Grants that have converted into loans.)

Provides Tangible
Value to Students

Despite many well-intentioned student loan programs, educators can still find themselves unsupported. Offer your future teachers reliable protection. On average, Ardeo grads receiving assistance qualify for $610 per quarter.

Integrates Into
Your Other Initiatives

Trusted by more than 200 institutions nationwide, Ardeo easily folds into your existing recruitment plan. Colleges can launch in as little as two weeks. Ardeo can also integrate with your CRM for easy long-term management.

Increases Access Among
Underrepresented Groups

Many aspiring educators lack the financial stability to pursue this rewarding but often lower-paying career. Ardeo alleviates student and parent loan burdens, empowering aspiring educators to follow their dreams.

Generates a Positive
Return on Investment

Ardeo provides powerful protection to students that leads to institutional growth. Partners who offer to education majors generate an average 5X return on their investment. It’s a win-win for students and institutions.

How Does It Work?

Ardeo’s Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAPs) are the financial safety net that’s covered 30,000+ students since 2008. The program is designed to ease the burden of student and parent loans if post-graduation income is modest. Simply put, the less your graduates earn, the more help they will receive repaying their loans. Watch this one-minute explainer video about how LRAPs work for colleges.

Jackson State Combats Mississippi Teacher Shortage with LRAPs

Jackson State is the first HBCU to offer LRAPs to support all new, incoming teacher education majors.

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Increase Access for Future Teachers like UW-Platteville

The University of Wisconsin – Platteville wanted to enhance access for aspiring teachers. Since 2020, LRAPs have helped increase the Elementary-Middle Education major by 10.5%.

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Drive Growth Like Butler

After success using LRAPs for financial aid appeals, Butler University expanded its usage. As a result, they enrolled 34 students with LRAP into their College of Education for the 2023-24 cohort.

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What Are Students and Administrators Saying?

“LRAP is one more way that we can help eliminate barriers to higher education that so many families face and give more students access to the outstanding opportunities and programs our School of Education provides.”

Dennis J. Shields

Former Chancellor, University of Wisconsin, Platteville

What Are Students and Administrators Saying?

“I’ve always wanted to be a teacher and didn’t want to back down from my dreams so I could make more money to pay off student loans. LRAP will allow me to focus more on school.”

Lillian G.

Education Major

What Are Students and Administrators Saying?

“We have absolutely heard from our College of Education students that LRAP is making a big difference.”

Melissa Smurdon

Executive Director of Financial Aid, Butler University

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Many aspiring educators worry about the future given the field’s modest salaries. Find out how to empower future teachers with student loan protection.

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